Friday 15 September 2017

I'm no writer

Well it appears some gutless person thinks I can't write and shouldn't even be writing this blog. They even suggested that I should just delete it.
The anonymous person in question didn't identify themselves and even went to the extent of using one of those anonymous email services where the email address is only valid for a couple of hours. Hence why I have called them gutless.

Now I have never professed to be any kind of writer and in fact I know I have no writing skills at all really. The whole point of this blog is that in writing it I hope that I can pass on some of the things I have learned and put that into some kind of cohesive manner that anybody that happens to read it can glean enough information from it so as it may help them in some small way to do something that has taken me several days of research to put small pieces of information together into a one stop shop rather than them having to do the same king of research I have had to do to put it together. (Perfect example where I should rewrite that whole paragraph so as it flows better and makes more sense)

I don't exactly plan out any of these posts, in fact they are really just written straight from my head onto the page as the words come to me. Now I know that is not really the way that you should write anything and in particular something like a blog like this, but it is the only way I know how to write.

Now if you don't like the the way I write my blog then there is nobody forcing you to read it and in all honesty I am not interested in getting hundreds or more readers. The reasons I write this blog are that I hope that in some small way I can help someone to understand something that has taken me days to get my head around. The other reason for writing this blog is that in some weird way it is a kind of therapy for me and it gives me a place to come back to if I forget how I did something in the past.

To those of you that do read this and I hope get something from it then you are the reason I take the time to write this and I thank you for taking your valuable time to actually read my drivel.

To those of that don't like it, there are plenty of other blogs out there for you to read. But if you do have any comments then please do so in a constructive way and in a way that I can actually discuss your criticism in an adult way with you.

Lastly if you do have any suggestions on subjects you would like me to cover then please do contact me and if I am able to, I will do my best to attempt to cover them in my own badly written style.

Until next time

73's Paul M0CNL


  1. Hi Paul, personal I think you should keep on scribbling and writing on your blog. The information I have gleaned as a newish radio op is invaluable.

    Ignore these gutless numpties who have nothing better to do than anonymously gran always said people will try and put others down because they couldn't do any better themselves..

    Just about to get the end fed wire up along the back fence so I can have a look at FT-8 add try and get it working here having been previously blown away by my same results.

    Keep on Blogging!

    73 Glenn de M6ODC

    1. Thank you Glenn.
      I intend to do just that, however my time has been very limited recently. I have also got some health issues that have made it harder to be able to actually sit and write, but I do hope to get some done fairly soon.
      I see my writing this blog as a kind of therapy. I have a few subjects I do want to write about and with any luck I will be able to soon.

      Good luck with the end fed and FT-8 experiments, it's not a mode I have tried yet but I do hear there are some great results to be had using it.
